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M/s. Lex Conseiller (regd.) established in 2011 is a respected and professionally managed law firm and offers comprehensive legal service and has diverse practice areas and expertise across all vertical and is a growing full service law firm with a wealth of experiences of its chairs and heads who are ably supported by a team of talented associates.
Jul 25, 2021
Karnataka leads as being the first state in India to recognize the rights of the Transgender community to give them 1% Reservation in the government jobs ...
Feb 3, 2021
Right to claim Mesne profits, past as well as future, under the law. Mesne Profits According to section 2(12) of the Code of Civil Procedure provides t ...
Feb 2, 2021
NCLAT rules in case of MAIF Investment, that NCLT has jurisdiction to try all company matters including contentious and complex ones. NCLAT considering ...
401, Narayan Bhavan, 82/86, Perin Nariman Street (Bazaar gate), Off CST & GPO, Fort, Mumbai – 400001, India
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